Getting the right backpack for your kitty

We will say breed, size, weight, and most importantly, the behavior of your kitty matters.

If your kitty is of the bigger breeds such as maine coon or ragdoll, we will recommend the following large size backpacks which can accommodate up to 10kg easily.


If your kitty isn’t a big one, here is a small paragraph to why the ‘right size’ of backpack matters in general.

To the best of our knowledge and experience. Cats tend to get very insecure in strange environment. When they have no idea where they are, or where they are heading, they will act very carefully. The more timid ones will want to snuggle up in an enclosed corner and not move until they’ve observed the surrounding to be safe. I’m sure you have seen kitties tucking themselves in the corners of a spacious crate despite the given luxury of space while travelling.


With that in mind, the guidelines to get an ideal backpack for all cats in general would be:

1) the size of the base of the backpack that is just right for your kitty to ‘fit’. Only a fitting backpack helps them to feel cozy, just like how they always want to fit in a small box you threw on the floor.

2) good ventilation and good air flow even when your kitty is occupying a good half of the backpack.

3) properly designed escape prevention, here we are talking about the quality of the backpack itself, the backpack should not be easily damaged by scratches of your kitty. At the same time, a safety leash hook should be available when you want to double secure it to your kitty’s collar or harness. Most importantly, there should be no way your kitty can leave the backpack when it is enclosed for travelling.

4) It is a bonus if the backpack can work purrfectly as a cave or a bed at home, just like PURRPY EGGSHELL, it really helps your kitty to stay calm feeling cozy travelling in their own bed as a carrier to begin with.

Purppy Eggshell Bubblegum Pink Lifestyle-01.jpg

An average good backpack can hold kitties up to 8kg easily, if you know you don’t need a really big backpack, take a peek at our top choices for 2021 below.


At TheCatBackpack, you find only the good quality ones.


What happened to the regular ASTRONAUT Capsules?

The Cat Backpack launched 2 years back with the biggest range of ASTRONAUT Capsule Backpack Carriers. We had a total of 18 different colors for just one design. That was crazy during the days when ASTRONAUT Capsules went viral worldwide, including Singapore, and we are already missing the very nicely done GalaxyBlue and Cheshire. It’s a pity that they are no longer available.

Why? you may ask.

Rationally, it’s been 2 years since. New range of backpack carriers had been emerging in the market riding on the viral wave. We are now carrying several good quality ones such as Purrpy Eggshell, Petkit Evertravel Bag, Bonnet Pellucid Capsule, and a few more.

However, such friendly competition is only one of the cause to the decline of regular ASTRONAUT Capsules. Another reason would be the unfriendly competition among ASTRONAUT Capsule imitations.

Over the 2 years, we’ve noted at least 8 manufacturers producing ASTRONAUT Capsules, which 2 of them were the original manufacturers of U-pet, the ‘origin’ of all ASTRONAUT Capsules. With so many manufacturers in the game, competition soon turned into a price war, and eventually resulted poor quality control of all regular ASTRONAUT Capsules. If good quality is not what you are after, you can probably get 1 for less than S$20 these days.

When most manufacturers were competing to be the cheapest, one of them stay true to their principle - To Produce Carriers with Leading Good Quality. This is the manufacturer we - The Cat Backpack are taking our stocks for ASTRONAUT series from till today. It was already impressive that they decided to abandon the entire range of regular ASTRONAUT Capsule, and reproduced the range into ASTRONAUT UPGRADE Capsules. The quality of an ASTRONAUT UPGRADE Capsule is 10 times better comparing to a regular ASTRONAUT Capsule these days. Our customers all agreed upon comparing.

So, if you prefer the classic ASTRONAUT Capsule, we recommend you to go with the UPGRADE to ensure it is the best quality you will be getting.